who is spirit?
Spirit Willow

is an intuitive sacred art alchemist, professional sound healer, and intuitive harmonic medium who channels primordial source frequencies as a Spirit language vocalist, along with the instrumental use of the frame drum and didgeridoo. She channels infinite creative source energy through the symbolic language of Art. Spirit guides people through transformational souls-cape journeys of deep self-discovery, personal enrichment, and divine attunement via the alchemical methodology of spiritual Art empowerment. She works with the elements to embody the full spectrum of our multidimensional sensory expression, through Intentional ceremonial space creation and experiential design. Spirit’s process is one of transcendental embodiment. She works holistically with the energetic subtleties within nature, plant medicine, shamanic expressive Art therapy, intuitive movement, and somatic soul language activation to awaken one’s higher sensory capabilities and full creative expression.


Spirit received her Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art from The School of Visual Arts in Manhattan, New York. Over the past 15 years, Spirit has curated and exhibited ceremonial interactive prayerformance transmissions throughout Southern California, including the Long Beach Museum of Art and the Orange County Center of Contemporary Art. Spirit has also designed and developed complete multi-media transformational sacred art workshops for a variety of facilities including museums, nonprofit organizations, homeless shelters, festivals, and retreat centers.

is to awaken the storytellers, mystics, sacred artists, healers, & alchemists of humanity, assisting others in piercing through the veil in order to break down the delusion of the separation between Art and life itself. And as we awaken our divine birthright of co-creator consciousness, we embody the divine celebration of life to harmonize and come together in a state of balance with all elements and cycles of the Earth. “I come from a lineage of divine dragons and I am here to protect and honor the ancient technology of our sacred imagination. For we are an intrinsic aspect of the masterpiece of creation, and our consciousness is the most sacred medium to master ourselves and usher in peace of mind. The spells we choose are the threads we use to weave the life we live. This is the time to create consciously as we take the chisel to the self, sculpt new forms of reality, and bring forth harmony within our mind, body, spirit, tribe, and our relationship to this sacred land.”