The Group Spirit Lock Ceremony is a multi- sensory guided sacred art activation journey that awakens our mystical nature of divine play, creative flow and sacred storytelling. This mystical Art gathering is established for the purpose of amplifying our divine awareness and strengthening our high magick of deliberate creation by aligning to the power of our intention to the highest expression of our creative source frequency, basically which-crafting.

In this Group Spirit Lock ceremony you will learn how to divinate, create, install, and intentionally activate your uniquely designed Spirit Lock as you weave your intentions directly into your sisters and brothers hair while sitting in a sacredly held circle. Each person within this circle will be weaving a Spirit Lock at the same time as receiving a Spirit Lock, creating a unique energetic alchemy of circulating the collective energy of sacred reciprocity. 

At the core of this Spirit Lock Group Ceremony, we are taking the power of our personal responsibility for what we are choosing to create in and around us, stepping into self mastery. This is the activation of our divine high magick, the freedom to choose, think, speak and alchemize our vibration locking in the frequency of the highest loving harmony within ourselves and on this planet.

conscious Casting 

We are master conductors of energy and as we tend to the vibration of our thoughts we mend the contours of our energy field directing the frequency of our emotions to sculpt the inner reflections into the outer experience. This is the mastery level of true magick which is the ability to shift our perception at will. In this Spirit Lock ritual you will be calling in and locking the intention of your highest alignd expression into the spirit of your being to activate your fullest alined presence of your divine archetype.


This Spirit-Lock activation is a sacred tool that reharmonizes and reminds us of our part in the collective field of co-creation and how we influence the grid of energy within our Spirit Tribe.