Sacred art activation

The Spirit Lock Ceremony is a sacred art activation that honors the divine union of spirit and matter to align the embodied presence of our fullest creative expression into form. I will guide you through an intuitive process rooted in the ancient mystical technology of intention setting, in order to program and realign your energetic blueprint. All ceremonies begin with an interactive sacred sound journey and guided meditation which activates and grounds the intention into your Being and the Spirit of your Lock.

Once you have consciously cast your intention, we channel in the elements and materials that best represent your true identity for the purpose of awakening your Divine Avatar. Your intuition will guide you to create your antenna from a selection of crystals, feathers, baby alpaca wool and sacred talismans that are in the highest aligned vibrational match of your intention.

As you activate your unique Spirit Lock antenna, you begin to bridge the embodied consciousness of your intention into form.  Your Spirit Lock is woven into your hair, merging with your DNA, and serving as a continuous reminder of your intention. The energy of your intention is the guiding force in this artistic embodiment, while the materials themselves are the physical representation and extension of your intent.  Your alignment to this energy is the assertion of your personal alchemical spell weaving, creating a direct channel to the vibration and alignment of your Divine Avatar presence. 

Once you have consciously casted your intention, we channel in the elements and materials that best represent your true identity for the purpose of awakening your Divine Archetype. Your intuition will guide you to create your antenna from a selection of crystals, feathers, baby alpaca wool and sacred talismans that are in the highest aligned vibrational match of your intention.

What is a Spirit Lock?

The Spirit Lock is a sacred tool that honors the divine union of spirit and matter to align the embodied presence of our fullest creative expression into form. The Spirit Lock utilizes the mystical technology of intention-setting in order to reprogram and realign your energetic blueprint. All ceremonies begin with an interactive sacred sound healing journey and guided meditation which activates and grounds the intention into your Being and the Spirit of your Lock.

As you activate your unique Spirit Lock antenna, you begin to bridge the embodied consciousness of your intention into form.  Your Spirit Lock is woven into your hair, merging with your DNA, and serving as a continuous reminder of your intention. The energy of your intention is the guiding force in this artistic embodiment, while the materials themselves are the physical representation and extension of your intent.  Your alignment to this energy is the assertion of your personal alchemical spell weaving, creating a direct channel to the vibration and alignment of your Divine Archetype presence. AND SO IT IS!